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Specialist Teaching Assistant Level 5

Develop the knowledge, skills and behaviours to provide specialist support to learners in your setting via this Level 5 Specialist Teaching Assistant apprenticeship. Building on your previous experience as a Teaching Assistant (TA) or Learning Support Assistant (LSA), you’ll plan, implement, and adapt activities to advance learning.

Course Information

In addition to covering a set of core competencies, such as overcoming barriers to learning, planning and assessment, communication, and professionalism, you’ll choose one of two specialist pathways:

  • SEND specialist: Learn how to provide specialist support for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities to promote inclusion and advance learning and progression.
  • Social and Emotional Wellbeing specialist: Become an Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) and learn how to positively contribute to your learners’ social and emotional wellbeing, to support inclusion and advance learning.