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Case Study: Connecting Opportunities builds confidence and new skills

Inclusive Integration

Abdul’s Story

As part of the delivery of our Inclusive Integration programme, our team delivers support through Connecting Opportunities to work with new migrants to develop their skills and opportunities to find work and be part of the local community. As part of this, we work with individuals to provide tailored support, cultural orientation and training.

Gaining Confidence

We met Abdul after he was referred to us to join Connecting Opportunities, after he arrived in the UK from Sudan a few years ago. Based in Huddersfield, he initially struggled to get on with life a he is shy and not having English as his first language meant he had difficulty understanding people. He was confused with the systems in the UK, which are very different from those in Sudan.

The Inclusive Integration Team at Halifax Opportunities Trust was able to support Abdul with learning English, as well as other skills such as IT and Maths. Abdul’s key worker was Bary, who worked with him to access the courses and support him with other aspects of living in the UK as well as working towards his aspirations of becoming a nurse.

Building Skills

While studying through Connecting Opportunities, Abdul was able to meet new people and build his confidence while also taking on other courses, such as Security, CCTV and Construction. To fund his training to become a nurse, Abdul hopes to work in security or construction as a security guard until he can take his GCSEs, through an access course.

Abdul now feels better about his future and thanks Bary for finding him a range of courses that have improved his English.

I’ve been helped to access a lot more courses. I’ve also met lots of people which has helped me feel more at home.


Inclusive Integration

Connecting Opportunities is funded by the European Social Fund and the National Lottery Community Fund.
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