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The Difference We

Want to Make

We understand that to regenerate places and communities we must work closely with those who live and work in Halifax, so the things we do are relevant and valuable for local people.

The people we work with have a wide range of backgrounds, ethnicities and abilities and they often come to us because they face, or have faced, a number of obstacles that make it difficult for them access opportunities many take for granted.

2024 and beyond...

Over the next few years we will focus on three goals that we believe will make the biggest impact to people’s lives:

Strengthen Communities

Creating opportunities for communities to live and work together, in safe and sustainable space

Advocate for Equity

Taking a human approach. Working alongside individuals, understanding their aspirations and supporting them along the way

Drive Progress

Looking forward, leading the way and guiding those we work with towards better things

Strengthen Communities

Because everybody deserves to feel like they belong
Community is more than a place or group of people, its a feeling too. By creating a firm sense of belonging, people have a stronger sense of purpose. This can improve feelings of solidarity and fulfilment, which contribute to being a part of something bigger.

So we become more resilient
Creating a stronger community means that we can work together and collaborate in response to change. We can build a support network and draw on individual strengths to overcome prevailing challenges.

Because people should feel safe and secure where they work and live
Just like our sense of belonging, feeling safe is more than the physical surroundings in our immediate environment. There are a number of factors that contribute to making us feel less vulnerable; living and working in spaces that have measures in place to make them secure and safe means building trust and respect so people can be who they want to be.

So future communities can thrive
We want to do our part to ensure future communities have brighter futures. This means caring for the environment and leading by example by following and sharing sustainable and climate friendly practices.

Because we have more in common that what divides us
Getting together and working towards a shared goal highlights the similarities in all of us. Through community action, people become more connected, understood and driven. We need to focus on what unites us and channel it into doing good.

So people can be part of the solution
To understand specific needs and issues, we need to work alongside communities of all types — whether they’re identified by place, race, faith, disability or gender. We make it possible for people to play their part so we can learn what works for them.

Because we can only get stronger through collective action
A place-based approach means we can work more holistically – considering how all our parts work independently and collectively. By bringing everyone together we can have a greater impact and create opportunities for a stronger community.

Advocate for Equity

Taking a human approach. Working alongside individuals, understanding their aspirations and supporting them along the way

Because everybody’s experience is different
Many of the people we work with have unique life experiences. While we share the same neighbourhood, the people who live and work here have different aspirations. We work together to understand the ambitions of individuals and create opportunities that lead to a better life, however that may look.

So we learn from others
Working alongside individuals and communities of all types gives us an understanding of the prevalent challenges present in the places we operate. We learn from this and tailor our approach to better respond to their needs.

Because people should have the freedom and security to grow
Everybody counts. By working collectively to strengthen communities, we strive to create a place where people can get to where they want to be without judgement or fear.

So people are healthier and happier
We create opportunities for wellbeing, learning and employment, so people can advocate for themselves, take control of their future and build the life they want.

To foster innovation and enterprise
Most of the people we employ and work with are residents within Park ward and neighbouring communities. Working with a diverse group of people can bring together a wide range of perspectives, ideas, and experiences, which leads to more creative and innovative solutions to problems or challenges.

So people can be who they want to be
We strive to create a vibrant, multicultural and self-sustaining community. This means eliminating prejudice and discrimination, and instead embracing individuality and promoting inclusion.

Drive Progress

Looking forward, leading the way and guiding those we work with towards better things

Because we don’t dwell on problems
We look for solutions, not problems and see opportunities in even the most challenging times. This is true within our organisational culture and when working with local people, families and businesses.

So we continue to grow
We are enterprising and think commercially so we can make decisions that financially support the charity. Innovating our delivery by co-designing services with those we work with, means we grow with the needs of the community.

Because regeneration doesn’t stop
Community needs are always changing. Regeneration is key to building communities that are happy, healthy and long-lasting; so long as people, families and communities exist, so will Halifax Opportunities Trust.

For more effective and efficient delivery
As the digital landscape evolves, we will harness technology and digital platforms to bring people closer to us. We will make better use of digital to improve resource efficiency and use our experience to close the digital skills gap.

So our places and spaces are greener and cleaner
The climate emergency is at crisis levels. We are working to change the way we operate and reduce our carbon footprint to ensure our only impact on the planet is positive change. We’re passing on our climate friendly approach to everyone we work with.

Towards a more inclusive, diverse and accepting community
Over the past 21 years the communities and individuals we work alongside have changed. We’re proud of our multi-cultural roots and will continue to champion diversity and individuality, so communities can thrive.

So the future is brighter for everyone
We strive to create a self-sustaining community; this means ensuring people can advocate for themselves, pass-on skills and share experiences.

Help us reach our goals

Through the power of community, our staff, volunteers, supporters and partners, combined with our 21years of experience, we can continue to create opportunities for a better life.

Creating Opportunities for a Better Life

We’re here so people have the opportunity to grow in a vibrant, multicultural and self-sustaining community.

Our Why - HERO (1)

Our Values

In our daily endeavours to achieve our goals, we are guided by our values. They reflect our culture, the way we want things to be and our expectations of the people we work with.

We are committed

We collaborate

We care

We are enterprising