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Listening Sofa and Coffee Morning

Activity Information

10.30 am – 12:00pm / Tuesday / Apna Staying Well Hub, Hanson Lane Enterprise Centre

Activity Description

The Community Organisers listening sofa and coffee morning drop in is a unique experience, where a comfortable sofa becomes a focal point for meaningful conversations for members of the local community regarding their local area.

This would be the first point of contact for people within Park Ward to come together and to empower their community to bring about positive change within their communities.

Set in a cosy environment, residents of the local community will gather to share:

• Thoughts and ideas on community matters.
• Personal stories, emotions and experiences.
• Encourage and empower fellow community members to bring positive change.
• Collectively creating a legacy within their community.

All whilst having a cuppa and some biscuits!!

We will ensure a welcoming ambiance, encouraging open dialogue and active listening, turning the listening sofa into a space where voices are heard, and empathy is embraced.

How to Book

Come along

Express your interest

Listening Sofa and Coffee Morning