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Seven Reasons to Choose an Apprenticeship After School

Leaving school is a big deal. You’re free to explore the world, step into the world of work, or continue with the next chapter in your education journey. But what if you just don’t know which path is right for you? There are so many routes to follow, and sometimes staying at school might not be one that fits your career plans. If this sounds like you, read on…

Have you thought about blending learning with work, with an apprenticeship after school?

Apprenticeships give you the freedom to learn, work and earn, in a career path that suits YOU. This article will give you some helpful advice on apprenticeships and why they might be suitable for you.

  1. You will get paid, while you learn

If you want to start earning money, but don’t have qualifications to do the job you want, an apprenticeship is a great option. Apprenticeships give you the opportunity to gain high quality training, in your chosen field, while you earn money.

An apprenticeship is a paid job where you can learn and gain valuable workplace experience.

Alongside your on-the-job training, as an apprentice you will spend at least 20% of your time in off-the-job training with Halifax Opportunities Trust, learning the skills you need to become knowledgeable and competent in the job you want.

2. You can become a specialised worker/employee

With an apprenticeship you choose a specialist field to gain qualifications in. This means, once you are fully trained, you will be specialised in that area of work and will have a more focused path for the next step in your career.

This also means that employers will be able to find you easier, as they also have a more focused view of the skills their employees should have.  

Our apprenticeships specialise in Education and Business. This means we specialise in training for early years, teaching assistants and business administration apprenticeships, focusing on developing your specialist skills.   

3. You will gain work-based experience

What makes apprenticeships different from college courses or sixth form education, is that you will gain work-based experience with a real employer.

You will spend around 70% of your time working in a real work setting, putting your new skills into practice and understanding how the theory behind those classroom-based sessions can be put into action.

This element of an apprenticeship is extremely valuable for both you and your employer.

4. You will get high quality training

Because apprenticeships are specialist training and employment routes, the training you will receive is high-quality. It provides you with the specific skills you require to succeed and progress in the career path of your choice.

Training is provided by experts in the field and is in a blended style; theory, such as classroom lessons, lectures, online learning; practical training, such as shadowing, mentoring, industry visits; learning support; and time to write assignments. In addition, you will qualify through formal assessments that are nationally recognised.

The apprenticeships Halifax Opportunities Trust provides are directly registered with OFSTED. The courses we provide are also part of the Matrix Standard; a unique quality standard for organisations to assess and measure their advice and support services, which ultimately supports you in your choice of career, learning, work and life goals.

5. You will gain important ‘soft-skills

Learning skills and gaining qualifications for a career in your chosen field are fundamental to progress technically and professionally, however soft-skills are also important.

The world of work is very different to school or college, so it can often be difficult to adjust. With an apprenticeship after school you will be gently introduced to the world of work and the soft skills required to communicate and manage your day-to-day activities.

Soft-skills are the tools you use every day to build relationships and support your peers, such as: time management, decision making and interpersonal skills.

6. You will have a network of people supporting you

As with all learning, support from a tutor, teacher or mentor is vital to ensure you are on the right tracks. An apprenticeship offers you this and more, as there is a whole host of people supporting you and willing for you to succeed.

You will be surrounded by mentors while you are learning, as well as your employer, who will be there to support you in a work-based setting. And, once you have qualified, you can always reach out to the Apprenticeships team at Halifax Opportunities Trust for advice.

7. You can be ‘fast-tracked’ into full-time employment

Many qualifications and courses provide you with the skills and qualifications you require to work in a chosen field. However, once you have gained the qualification it is often up to you to find an employer to give you work.

With an apprenticeship, you are already working alongside an employer who knows your qualifications, what you are like as a person and your approach to work. Apprenticeships after school can often result in immediate employment, with your existing employer.

If this is not the case, you will still be in a great position to gain employment as you will have references from a real employer, as well as tutors and mentors, ready for your employment search.

There’s always another way to follow the career path you want. Do it your way!

With Halifax Opportunities Trust you can do it your way with one of our specialist Apprenticeships in early years, teaching assistant and business administration.

See our courses, here.

Contact us:  01422 347392 or email diane.illingworth@regen.org.uk

Source: https://educationhub.blog.gov.uk/2022/02/07/five-reasons-why-you-should-consider-choosing-an-apprenticeship/

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