In April 2002, Halifax Opportunities Trust officially began operating. Although it was incorporated quite some time before then, on 12th October 2000, it wasn’t until April the following year that it officially became a charity ready for operations to commence the year after.
We registered with the Charity Commission in 18th April 2001, which meant we could start working on our delivery model as a charity. We’re launching our birthday celebrations on Monday 17th April 2023, because of this.
Halifax Opportunities Trust was established as the successor body for a Government funded regeneration programme in the Park ward area of Calderdale, called West Central Halifax Partnership, which completed its seven-year project in March 2002; HOT officially began operating the following month.
On 12th June 2001 we hosted a launch event at Hanson Lane Enterprise Centre to introduce Halifax Opportunities Trust to residents, business owners and the local community. Our 21st Birthday community celebration will take place on 15th June 2023, at the Outback Community Kitchen and Garden in honour of this. Here’s a press release from the event in 2001:

PRESS RELEASE: Action-Packed Launch Day for new Halifax Opportunities Trust
Tuesday 12th June 2002 sees the launch of a brand new charitable company called Halifax Opportunities Trust at an action-packed launch day to be held at the Hanson Lane Enterprise Centre in Halifax.
The event which commences at 3 p.m. until 7 p.m. is dedicated to “helping to make Halifax a vibrant, multi-cultural and self-sustaining community”, the new Trust us being set up to fly the flag for regeneration in Halifax and continue the work started by the West Central Halifax Partnership when its funding from Yorkshire Forward ends in March 2022.
The launch day will be a chance for 35 different organisations and groups to showcase their work in helping to change Halifax for the better. Activities on offer will include surf sessions in the Internet suite, displays, discussion groups, business exhibitions, music, food and much much more.
Host for the afternoon will be the Chairman of the new Trust, Mr. Mohammed Aslam, BEM, MBE, a local resident who is the Director of the renowned Himmat organisation which works with children and young people from the Asian community.
From 5 p.m. onwards, the event will be attended by the Lord Lieutenant of West Yorkshire, Mr John Lyles, CBE, JP, and Mrs. Lyles, together with the Mayor or Calderdale, Councillor Chris O’Connor, who will be invited to launch the Trust at 5.45 p.m. by raising the new Trust flag on the Enterprise Centre itself. This will be the first visit to the Enterprise Centre for the Lord Lieutenant since he accompanies HRH the Price of Wales when he officially opened the Centre on 16 April 1999.
The first public meeting to launch the new Trust will then be held in the Conference Suite of the Enterprise Centre from 6 p.m. until 7 p.m., at which Partnership Chief Executive, Jennifer Lynn will give a short presentation about the new Trust and its plans for the future, ending with the cutting of celebration cake and buffet refreshments.
For further information or comments please contact Jennifer Lynn – Chief Executive of the West Central Halifax Partnership

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