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A bitter sweet goodbye for Lucy’s Little Bakehouse

Lucy's Little Bakehouse Based at Hanson Lane Enterprise Centre in Halifax is moving to Westgate Arcade due to business growth.
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Service Area: Enterprise

Location: Hanson Lane Enterprise Centre

Business: Lucy’s Little Bakehouse

Values: We are Enterprising, We are committed

After two years of tenancy at Hanson Lane Enterprise Centre (HLEC), Lucy’s Little Bakehouse is relocating to Westgate Arcade in Halifax Town Centre. From small beginnings, baking in their home kitchens, Lucy Chapple and her business partner Pamela Crawshaw have built a sweet-toothed following across Halifax that has led them to open a new bakery in the heart of the town centre.

How it started

The baking duo started delivering delicious baked goods to people in the local community during the lockdown. It went well and became a success; gaining popularity and leading to an increase in demand. Due to the business’s rapid growth, it became difficult to manage from home, so Lucy and Pamela began to look for professional kitchen spaces.

Setting up shop

Lucy’s neighbour, who worked for a business based at HLEC, recommended the workspaces to her; Lucy and Pamela thought to check the space out. Our deputy site manager Steve gave a tour of unit 19 and it was just what they were looking for. After viewing a few different units from different providers, Lucy and Pamela decided to set up what is now known as Lucy’s Little Bakehouse, at the thriving enterprise centre.

Since setting up at HLEC, the bakehouse has steadily grown. Its popularity reaches further than the local area of Park Ward; it sees people taking home their wares from far and wide.  Owned by Halifax Opportunities Trust (HOT), HLEC is a social enterprise that aims to support and encourage small local businesses like Lucy’s Little Bakehouse to flourish through a range of services, like as the monthly HOT networking events held at Elsie Whiteley Innovation Centre.

Lucy and business partner Pamela i their bakehouse at Hanson Lane Enterprise Centre

Facing and Overcoming Challenges

The success of Lucy’s Little Bakehouse wasn’t without its challenges. An issue that the duo sometimes have is cancellations, which means they are left with a unit full of baked treats, which they need to sell quickly to gain back their investment.

Last Christmas, Lucy’s bakehouse was set to hold a stall at the Piece Hall’s Makers Market. The team prepared for the event by baking an excessive amount of baked goods but unfortunately, the event was cancelled due to a storm. So, through the power of social media, they promoted their cakes and other treats leading to an influx of customers with long queues – they were sold out within the hour.

Leaving Hanson Lane Enterprise Centre

Building the foundations of a successful business at Hanson Lane Enterprise Centre means having to move on to accommodate growth, at some point. When the bakehouse was first established, Lucy and Pamela were mainly delivering their goods to people’s doors. As COVID restrictions lifted and the brand became more widespread, their approach to business must also adapt. An example of this is the Saturday slice sale, which started as a way to increase footfall to the bakehouse; a big hit with customers and continues to this day.

The time has now come for Lucy’s Little Bakehouse to move to Halifax’s busy town centre, where the business partners will have a shop front that they hope will attract passing footfall, as well as regular customers.  

How did Halifax Opportunities Trust help Lucy Little Bakehouse grow?

To build the business up the bakehouse needed to be financially stable. Hanson Lane Enterprise Centre supports small businesses with competitive rates that appeal to those starting out. Additionally, as the Enterprise Centre is a Halifax Opportunities Trust (HOT) social enterprise, all tenants are invited to use and engage with the services the Trust offers.

HOT networking is one of these. Lucy has made many business connections that helped her business to develop further. HOT Networking events gave Lucy the opportunity to meet other small business owners just like her; becoming part of the local business community. HOT staff members, Jason and Steve, also helped the entrepreneurs by providing support, being helpful and doing all the heavy lifting!

What’s in store for the future

The bakehouse will be opening in its new location this summer.  Lucy and Pamela are excited to see where their new venture will lead them and they aspire to branch out even further, maybe open up their little bakery in other towns.

”I would like to thank HOT for the opportunity and space to grow. I’d encourage any local small business to get involved with HOT and use all the resources they have to offer.”

Lucy Chappel, owner of Lucy’s Little Bakehouse
Lucy in her Little Bakehouse

Find out more about Hanson Lane Enterprise Centre, here:

Recently, Lucy’s Little Bakehouse has been mentioned in the Halifax Courier, click the following link to read the full article: https://bit.ly/3seMjkO

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