Our nurseries strive to welcome every child that comes through the door and make the experience of settling in as smooth as possible. This has been particularly tough to navigate during the pandemic with unpredictable closures and staff sicknesses meaning continuity was difficult to maintain. Despite the setbacks, our teams have continued to put every child first to ensure a smooth transition. We were delighted recently to receive this feedback from one of our new parents:
“Sending Rosie* to nursery was never going to be an easy task for us, especially trying to select one in the height of a pandemic. While many nurseries that we spoke to had closed doors, yours were open wide. This approach was reassuring for us, especially with Rosie having complex care needs. You and the team were willing to invite professionals into the setting to receive training and support so that Rosie could be cared for and included.
Allowing us as parents to attend settling in sessions with Rosie and showing staff her likes, dislikes and needs has made our nursery journey an easier one. Although, Rosie was initially due to start her nursery journey in January 2021, this was delayed due to health complications and hospitalisation. It was comforting that nursery remained in contact with us to check on how Rosie was doing and it was lovely to receive get well soon cards from staff and children (we knew straight away that this was the best place for Rosie). After a couple of big operations, Rosie was finally well enough to start settling back into nursery.
You and the team worked closely with us to put a plan in place and start the transition process of Rosie attending sessions on her own. Rosie has now been at nursery with you guys since November 2021 and we can honestly say that it was the best decision we ever made. Rosie loves coming to play and learn with you and she is finally able to start thriving without any medical setbacks, albeit the odd nursery bug has been thrown our way….this is all part of the journey.
We are looking forward to Rosie developing to her highest potential and being given the opportunities to succeed the best that she can in your care. The biggest thank you from us and to continue providing an excellent level of fun, learning and care.”
*Name and image changed to protect individuals identity.