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Our projects

We work with local, regional and national partners to deliver projects with our local community that optimise life and create thriving communities.

UKSPF Project

Hyperlocal funding to strengthen communities and place.

We’ve been working with Calderdale Council to engage with Park ward communities, as part of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and its ambition to improve Pride in Place. As a community-anchor with roots in Central Halifax, the Council has identified Halifax Opportunities Trust (HOT) as a key partner and lead to establish investment needs and opportunities that will have a positive impact on the individuals, families and businesses that live and work in Central Halifax.

Through dedicated community engagement activity, HOT has highlighted some key priorities that the community has indicated would improve the places they live and visit, as well as their overall wellbeing.

These priorities include:

We’ve identified a number of local organisations and community groups to support with local investment and we’re now pleased to share that projects are being approved approved for funding daily to address the things that matter through creative activities, initiatives and programmes – see below for the latest projects.

This project is funded by the Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund

A picture of some of the team at Halifax Opportunities Trust during the CCA launch

Calderdale Cancer Aware

Community-focused cancer awareness and support.

We’re pleased to be working alongside MacMillan Cancer Support to deliver a three-year project that builds community awareness of cancer, its risks and symptoms so individuals and families in Halifax live a healthier and happier life. We’ve already recruited a community engagement team to reach out and get involved with local initiatives that bring better awareness and understanding to our borough so people have the support they need to deal with cancer and its impact on individuals and their families.

You can read more about the project, called Calderdale Cancer Aware, on our Community & Wellbeing page.

Other News

Find out what’s happening at Halifax Opportunities Trust, in our teams and about the people we work with