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Integrate in Your


Settle into your new community and integrate with local people through ESOL, citizenship and learning new skills.

Welcome to Park ward, the most culturally diverse neighbourhood in Calderdale. We’re proud of our long history as a welcome hub for migrant families and individuals from across the globe. We create opportunities so you can settle and flourish in Halifax and the surrounding areas.


Make the most of your new lifes in the UK, with our Inclusive Integration programmes, including ESOL (English as a Second or Other Language) from our base at Hanson Lane Enterprise Centre.

No live courses, keep checking
No live courses, keep checking
No live courses, keep checking

Things we do for you

and your community

We know that sometimes the opportunities you’re looking for can’t be easily unlocked, which is why we work with you to understand your aspirations and challenges, so together we can find a solution. Because of this we have lots of other services and we work with a number of local groups, organisations and other charities that form a support network.

At most of the places we are based you can speak to someone or get information on services that support you with:

Accessing a Computer

Things Happening at Home

Making Doctors, Hospital or Bank Appointments

Debt or Finance

Health Related Issues

Other News

Find out what’s happening at Halifax Opportunities Trust, in our teams and about the people we work with

Other Useful


Because we work with a number of local groups, organisations and other charities, we have a large resource of third party information that might be useful for you.

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