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A better path for a career in education and business.

We’ve been providing nationally recognised work-based apprenticeships for over ten years.

We work with learners and employers to provide quality apprenticeships in the specialised fields of Education and Business. HOT Apprenticeships delivers quality Apprenticeships for nationally recognised teaching assistant, early years and business administration qualifications.


We offer a range of specialist Apprenticeships in Education and Business. We work with trusted training providers to ensure the qualifications you receive are high quality and reflect the latest role and employment criteria and requirements.

The qualifications we offer as part of the apprenticeship standard are:

Children, Young People and Families

Visit our current Apprenticeship Vacancies:

We Help People and

Businesses Grow


Unlock career opportunities

Apprenticeships give you the freedom to learn, work and earn, in a career path that suits you. Learn your way with an apprenticeship. Gain qualifications while you work in a real work setting and gain experience, while earning a wage, from a real employer.

Get more information about our apprenticeship opportunities


Grow your workforce

Whether you are looking to support existing staff or would like to take on a new apprentice, to help them start their career journey, we will work with you to support your business growth needs.

Get more information about how we work with you and your team


Collaboration opportunities

Support small or independent businesses to recruit apprentices and grow their workforce through a levy transfer. We recently launched a new programme that supports small or independent employers to recruit apprentices, via the Govenrment’s Levy transfer scheme. If you’re a large organisation, looking to transfer some of your unspent apprenticeship levy, we can allocate funds so local people can access new career opportunities.

Find out more on becoming a collaboration partner

Other Useful


Because we work with a number of local groups, organisations and other charities, we have a large resource of third party information that might be useful for you.

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